Thursday, August 27, 2009


Sitting on the couch, watching the news. Sounds like a Status update for Facebook, but it's not. What I am watching is Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn talking about Health Care Reform. This is exactly what he said, I didn't edit this out:
Reporter: What's being done to help the woman at the town hall meeting?
Coburn: Well, everything we can, but, y'know she has a case filed with her and that's all confidential, so we can't speak the details of it, uuh, but we've had several people call us, and say that they're willing to help her, since! So, and so y'know the question is-
Reporter: Do you do that with the Millions of Uninsured people in this country-
Coburn: Yeah!
Reporter: Who are on the same boat?
Coburn: No! They're not on the same boat! Don't exaggerate Most people-
Reporter: There are millions of people who are uninsured in this country.
Coburn: Your gonna ask me a question, let me answer, or are you gonna argue.
Reporter: I'm just asking.
Coburn: What I'm saying is there are millions of people who are uninsured, but they're not people who've lost their husband's ability to be a bread winner, and then not have a safety net that is taken care of. There's not many. And the question is, is are we efficient in how we help people who really depend on us.
Reporter: So of the 47 million people in this country, her case is an exception?
Coburn: Absolutely. Absolutely. Let's talk about the 47 million you all continue to refer to. 11 million of 'em are illegal immigrants; 16 million are legible of "S chip" or "Medicate Today", they go anywhere, there gonna get covered 'cause there eligible; we have 11 million who are making over 75,000 dollars a year who choose not to buy insurance.
So we actually have about nine million Americans who really need our help.
Reporter: So it's exaggerating.
Coburn: Absolutely it's exaggeratin'. But it does mean the problem with the cost of health care. Because the thing that keeps the from getting Health Care is cost.
Wow. That's almost as bad as the amount of racism it takes to call Obama a racist.
So there are just 38 million, no, not thousand, not ten thousand, not even hundred thousand. 38 Million Americans without health insurance that we should just pay no attention to.
38 Million Americans, more than 1/9 of the country we can just plow over. Sure, 8/9's of the country we will pay attention to, but 1/9 of the country can just die.
Let's break down the people who should just die, shall we?
11 Million illegal immigrants, which isn't even true, according to a republican study, there are 8 million illegal immigrants who are uninsured. And since it is a republican study, there are probably only about 5 million illegal immigrants. And even so, illegal immigrants have just as much of a right to be healthy as people who have been living here all of their lives. And when he said that 11 million were illegal immigrants, he didn't even go on to explain why they shouldn't get coverage, he just said "11 million are illegal immigrants" as if they deserve to die.
16 Million Americans who legible, but for some reason don't have health insurance. What? That almost makes less sense than the last one. So they have no health insurance but are covered by health insurance?
11 million who choose not to get health insurance, and are rich. So they are making way more money than most of the 16 million and probably all of the illegal immigrants. And they choose not to get health insurance. Personally, I don't understand it and I'm sure that there are not 11 million people who do.
He is pulling numbers out of... I don't even know where.
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