Friday, August 14, 2009

Health Care for E.T.?

Health Care reform is something that has been on the news so often, that people, including me, are getting sick of it.
But once you think about it, it is a pretty interesting subject.
Especially Universal health care.
If it really is that bad, how can it help millions, and millions of people.
The people that the Republicans ignore, that they watched die in New Orleans during Katrina, and did nothing about. And while the Democrats said that we had to do save these people's lives, and if we had Al Gore as a president (that's right, although I was only two when that happened, I'm still mad about it.) thousands of people would still be walking this earth, but since we had George Bush, those thousands died. And the city is still recovering from it.
If Sarah Palin had to choose between a Billionaire who had a business opportunity for them, and one thousand people who were on their death beds (not making a cent), she would choose the Billionaire with no questions asked.
But ever since the Obama campaign (the only reasonable campaign in that election as far as I am concerned), Obama was proposing the idea of Universal Health Care.
It is a myth (and one that the conservative media came up with) that the U.S. has the best health care system in the world. Which is evident by the life expectancy rate, in 1945, the U.S. was No. 1, in life expectancy; now, it's No. 21.
Another myth is that Universal Health Care would be too expensive. The fact is that their could be 200 billion dollars chipped off of our Ten-Trillion Dollar debt if we went with Universal Health Care. That's 2% of the debt, and right now, anything that we can chip off of the debt is good.
If it were the Health Insurance company's choice, they would keep the 200 billion, and the Chairman and CEO's of them would give it to themselves as bonuses.
It makes me angry that the Health Care industry cares more about making money than they do about actual health care. that's obviously the purpose of pre-existing conditions, to make money. If you have cancer, and you are lying on your death bed, and you had changed your health insurance about three years ago, they would probably say that it was a pre-existing condition, and you would get nothing. Nothing at all.
It is another myth that if we did this, the government would completely run Health Care. Since the campaign, Barack Obama has said that if you like your doctor, you can keep him or her, but if you don't like the health care situation you are in, you have the option to change.
In the end, Universal Health Care is awesome, and Pre-existing conditions suck. So please, Congress, pass Universal Health Care.


  1. U.S. life expectancy was #1 in '45 and now it's #21?

  2. Yes, and there are currently 46 million Americans Un-Insured, and since there are 303 million Americans in the country, that means that about 17% of Americans are currently Un-Insured.
    And the World Health Organization ranks the U.S.'s heath care system No.37 in the world, right behind Costa Rica.

  3. Nice Header, I just noticed that.
