Tuesday, August 11, 2009

conservativetruth.org, the world's most racist website

So, I recently went to conservative truth.org,(I advise you not to go there, you don't want to add to their popularity) and they compared our president, Barack Hussein Obama (I like his middle name. It means good, small, or handsome one in Arabic) to Fidel Castro, who seems like God in next to the other person that they compared our president to, (who won by a landslide over that strange-looking Demon that is John McCain) Adolf Hitler. That's right, they compared the president of the United States to the Racist, Anti-Semitic, Sexist man who started World War II, therefore killing about 72 million people, and about 4% of the population worldwide. Wow, that takes a lot of courage, and the fact that no one (at least not that I've read) has pointed this out until now? Wow.
Glenn Beck said a few weeks ago on his show that Barack Obama hates White people. Therefore (sorry Stephen Colbert, I'm gonna use the same joke that you did) saying that Barack Obama hates his own mother.
We finally have a President who's not White, and they call him racist. There have been so many other presidents who have been racist. To name a few, Woodrow Wilson (who was in favor of the KKK), Andrew Jackson (who forced thousands and thousands of Native Americans oust of there homes, and if they weren't moving fast enough, there were guards who would shoot them) and George Bush (Jr. more than Sr., with the Iraq war and basic prejudice for people who live in the middle east).
Republicans did the same thing to Sotomayor. She said a reasonable statement saying that with cases involving Latina or Latino people, she could probably come up with better results than a white person. Which is probably true.
Meanwhile, Samuel Alito, another Supreme Court justice (Republican, but did you really need to know that?) Said that he, being a Italian-American could come up with better results with a case involving an Italian-American than anyone else on the Supreme Court.
That is exactly what Sotomayor said.
Is it just because she is a Democrat? Or is that racism by itself.
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1 comment:

  1. Conservative media, you like everything in politics from 2000-2008, is corrupted and untruthful. And since this is Truthnicity, I must tell the truth. Which is what I am doing.
    If you don't like it, comment, we'll have a cyber-debate
