Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rush Limbaugh and things

There are good people, there are bad people and then there are Racists. Governmental racism, or the "Jim Crow" laws were eliminated after the civil rights movement, but other racists, like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, have managed to have TV/Radio shows with millions of followers.
Now, can somebody please tell me why you would follow these horrible racist people? I mean I get the whole thing with the first amendment and that you can say these things, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you should.
I don't understand that after the whole civil rights era with all of the monumental things in America's history like the "I have a dream" speech and the Montgomery bus boycott, not only that someone would say, "The NAACP should have a riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies." but also that 13.5 million people a day listen to that and that it takes to actually point it out.
If I could get paid 33 million dollars to link Nelson Mandela to communism and say that the NFL looks like the Bloods battling the Crypts, I would be happy.
And if I could say that James Earl Ray deserves the Medal of Honor and call our President a Nazi, I would be very happy.
And you could say that this is just one example of a Republican, consider one of my other very good friends:
Glenn Beck.
Yes, another major voice in the GOP, the party of Lincoln, the President MOST FAMOUS FOR BEING NOT RACIST AT A TIME OF EXTREME RACISM. Has said things like "Barack Obama has a deep-seated hatred for white people." Is it he who has a hatred towards white people (and therefore his mother) or is it you, Glenn, my good ol' buddy who has a hatred towards black people? Yep my bestie Glenn, you had probably an audience of 3 point something million when you said that Al Gore's awareness for Global Warming used the same tactic as the Nazis when they rounded up Jews and exterminated them.
What men. What great American god-given men. You guys deserve the Nobel Prize.
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