Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, founded the University of Virginia and will always be one of the most respected Presidents of all time.
He also said "Separate Church and State" which means that religion should not be in a person's life unless in some kind of sacred building of religion like a Church (Christian place of Worship), Mosque (Muslim place of Worship),
Mandir (Hindu place of Worship), Synagogue (Jewish Place of Worship) or any other kind of worship around the world that I don't have listed here.
And ever since Charles Darwin wrote one of the most controversial books of all time "The Origin of Species" these places of worship have been questioned by some, but others -the population of this group decreases every year- has doubted "The Origin of Species". This book, some say, is more trouble than it's worth.
Now, this debate is still going on, but now, you usually hear more about weather Creationism (the theory usually thought of as the how the Bible puts it, but you can also say that for the Torah, the Quar'an, or the Bhagawath Gita [accept, the Quar'an has two main gods and the Bhagawath Gita has four main gods and the Bible and the Torah have just one god]) or Evolution (the theory that over time, all living things have evolved from single-celled organisms to Plants, and Animals [technically humans are animals]).
About two years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Creationism of any religion will not be taught in classrooms.
Some what in protest, and some what to start a new religion, Kansas school teacher (in whom I couldn't find the name of) came up with the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" and this is not a metaphor, in this religion there is actually a Flying Spaghetti Monster who made it look like there were fossils and then created the Universe.
Here is a picture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:
I have. I have been touched by his Noddly appendage.
So now, you get to hear what I have to say: I think that no theory of Creationism should be taught in a classroom unless scientifically proven. Since Evolution has been scientifically proven, that should be taught in a classroom
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Darfur has quickly become the most famous region in Sudan. And that is because of the war there, and this war is the most deadly war that is currently going on in the world. 400,000 people have died in this war. And this war has -and should be- entirely credited to religions (and I am trying to write a book about this war called "400,000")
Now you get to hear my democratic opinions (and if you don't like them, well sorry, you lost the election).
Sudan's religion percentage is 70% Sunni Muslim, 5% Christian, and 25% Indigenous Beliefs. So as you can see, there are about 14x more Muslims than Christians, however that does not mean that we can just immediately count them out, they were actually the ones who started this war. With their revolt and them saying that the Sudanese government was discriminating against them.
Now I think that it was completely rational for the Christians to have a sudden revolt. If the Muslims were forcing Islamic laws on them and said that they were right, it is completely within the Christian's right to call them out on it and say that they were forcing the laws on them.
However, maybe the Christian's shouldn't have responded in the way that they did.
It was some one's idea that they should start a war, and it seemed like a good idea (of coarse, I am against war in almost all circumstances) at first. Y'know, fight for like a month or so and the Muslims will learn their lesson.
But then, the Muslims decided that they would fight back.
And that's how it's been ever since.
And then, recently, current President Omar al-Bashir has been charged with war crimes by the ICC (International Criminal Court) and has denied all of them. He has denied all of them to the point where he has banned all of the aid groups that support the ICC.
And now, you get to hear what I have to say again, first of all, if you deny all of your accusations, and you take out all of the aid groups that work to save people's lives who are about to die because of the war you are paying pretty much no attention to at all because you'd rather live in your own wealth then save people's lives, that doesn't seem like a good idea. It seems that if you don't want to act suspicious that you just let it go and don't do anything that would make you seem more of a suspect.
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India. India is my solution to help end the Economic Recession. India is on the rise, it has two of the largest city's in the world -Mumbai and Calcutta- and it is the second largest country in the world, with about 1.2 billion people living in the whole country. The people in the slums of India don't go on Who Wants to be a Millionaire to make a living, most of them make a living because of Mumbai's huge recycling industry, that's right, you read that last sentence right, recycling is what is keeping some of India's poorest people out of starvation. India makes more movies every year then any country in the world, and that is from "Bollywood" (Bollywood not Hollywood because of Bombay which is the old name for Mumbai, kind of like Constantinople turning into Istanbul) and every single movie is a musical (and they are all very good, good enough to win Best Musical Score and Best Picture in America, and some say that "Slumdog Millionaire" isn't the best movie by A.R. Rahman [the most popular Musical Score person in India])
And then, I also half to say that India has a very well run government and has a rising Economy, even in the Economic Recession, India still thrives and because the movies are so popular, that the Indian government thrives and makes Millions, they also thrive on the recycling, (so take a lesson U.S., and make two kinds of green) and the government can give almost everyone jobs and all of those jobs can support their families and give some of them spare change as well.
So if the U.S. invested in some of India's most popular industries then we could have something going, and since the U.S. is basically in charge of the Economic recession, then the entire world would start to have something.
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When we first heard of the Somali pirates we thought that they were not much of a threat, we thought that they were dangerous, but could be controlled. And then the Somali pirates captured the captain of a U.S. cargo ship, we were suddenly threatened. And some of the U.S. Navy SEALs, swore to take them down.
So when the Somali's took captains of so many other ships from nations across the world and sometimes asked them for up to 30 million dollars to release them from captivity, the U.S. couldn't care less. But suddenly when a U.S. captain was captured (it was actually one of there worst and least terrible captivities) the U.S. is really shocked and have sworn to take them down and possibly kill some of them.
How did this even start?
Somalia is the poorest country in the world (based on a 'per capita' survey in "The 2009 Scholastic Book of World Records") on average, the average person (or, in Latin, 'per capita') in Somalia makes 600 dollars a year, and these Somali Pirates used to be fisherman and coastguards.
Ever since the Somalian civil war in 1991, Somalia has never had an official government, and since they are a coastal country and they need water borders so that they can have legal places for them to fish and no one else, however if you don't have a government, then you don't have legal fishing waters and that means that any country in the world can just go in there and fish and it will be legal. Now I am not saying anything, (That was a lie, I shouldn't lie on Truthnicity) but if I were in charge of a country, although, it were completely legal, if someone caught me (and a lot of major countries border Somalia, like Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia) then I would be in trouble, and then after they had already fished in the should-have-been Somali waters, the self-volunteering coast guards were about to report these countries when the legal-trespassers bribed them with the one thing that most Somalians need, money.
So now, whenever anyone enters there waters, the Somali pirates will take them, hold them hostage, and say that they will let them free if given the proper amount of money (usually around 5-10 million dollars).
My overall conclusion is that it is not entirely the pirates' fault.
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